About Me

My photo
Lincoln, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Production files and tips, Enjoy.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Massive VST Pack Updated.

I've recently added a few more patches to the ever growing sound bank (It's a long process).

The pack is available here. http://baredesigns.net/blog/Astral_Massive_Soundbank.rar

You can demo some of the sounds here.

Demo by Astral + See Your Exit

Remember, its free :P.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Astral - Dedicated Few

Just blogging myself a bit recently, been working on a tune and its a rare occasion that I get a semi decent composition with a good (ish) mix down. Enjoy the tune, we'll be happy to hand out 320's on request but I'm not making this one instantly downloadable as I feel it may have some potential.

Tunes available here.

Astral - Dedicated Few by Astral + See Your Exit

Thanks again

And stay tuned, more Ableton Live tutorials are in progress.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Native Instruments Reaktor, Old Memories.

I was looking through some of my old files and came across this.

This was my first subtractive synthesizer I've ever created, It was for a university project and it reminded my how much I learnt and understood through constructing my own synths.

Give it a go, the demo for 5.5 should be available shortly from here, the knowledge you can learn from this kind of process is invaluable, you start to understand in commercial synthesizers what you can do to produce the sounds you have in your head.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Ableton Live, a Simple Guide to Bussing.

For the past couple of nights I've been working on a short write up of how to simply bus tracks together in Ableton, I hope it's of some use to some of you.

The guide is available here

Be sure to check out my other downloads here

Monday, 14 March 2011

The Swarm - Eight Osc VST.

This post is brought to you by alphacat, appreciated.

Check it out, looks tasty



Direct Windows Link
Direct Mac Link

Let me know what sounds you manage to produce. I'm gonna experiment with this one, expect a sample pack shortly with my results.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

More Massive VST Presets

Just a few presets I've created and been using, more LFO'd harsh sounding bass.

Available here for download.

Be sure to use the macro options, 3 Bass Presets + Macro options = A lot more sounds.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Bass Pack - Six Clean Bass Samples.

Another small but hopefully reasonably useful pack for you. Six clean sounding wobbles, little processing outside the source.


Available Here (3.8MB)

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Gritty Wobbles

I've uploaded a tiny bass sample pack, five varied gritty-sounding bass loops.

The files are available here

Ableton Live Template

I thought I'd share my template that I use incase anyone finds it particularly useful. I used to spend more time getting everything sorted and slowly while doing this my creative will died.

What you will find - Audio

Percussion Lanes
FX Lanes
Bass Midi Lanes
Atmosphere Lanes
Junk (Working) Lanes

What you will find - Groups

Percussion Sub Mix
FX Sub Mix
Bass Sub Mix
Atmos Sub Mix

Sub Mix Channels are basically a master before the master, just gives you more control over the entire groups levels.

What you will find - Sends

High/Mid/Low Frequency Split channels
Percussion Bus
Bass Bus
FX Bus
Warm Reverb
Room Reverb
External Reverb
Internal Reverb

I've also included a mastering channel channel which I advised not be touched until the final pass's of your work, thats even if you want to self master it, I've included a basic warmth package on the channel.

The signal flow is as follows.

Tracks > Groups > Individual Group Bus' > Mastering Channel > Master.

Defaultly everything on the bus channels are turned off, this means you start with a clean flow from Tracks to Master. I have included some basic effects on the sends, percussion/bass compression etc etc but as I said its turned off, until you're at that workflow point where (you might not even want to, in which case ignore) you want to send your groups to bus' to gel together.

Also included is a resampling channel, which depending on your settings will record whatever audio the box hears, this can also be set to individual channels and as default runs to the mastering channel.

Adjust sends as you see fit, It's just a starting point but I hope it helps speed things up. It looks a bit daunting at first.

Available for download here

Bass Wobbler Files.

Im making available the bass used in my lastest work in progress, you can find the files used at the bottom of the page.

Astral - Untitled WIP by Astral + See Your Exit

This particular bass was built in Native Instruments' Massive, in Ableton Suite 8.

Outside the actual patch, the bass inst treated to much, just slight EQ and compression the highlight the areas I wanted it to.
Those parameters can be found here:

This is all you need to recreate the body of the bass sound.

I have provided the two images above, the Native Instruments patch and the raw .wav file of the bassline I used in the tune, for those of you with resampling/slicing blood.

Available Here (2.8mb)

Production Blog Launched.

This blog will hopefully be used to provide advice and feedback aswell as tips on production, how to's and other production related information.

Alot of the content will be user generated, alot of it will be documenting my production techniques, how I did X and achieved Y sound etc, I will do my best to provide accurate information on the exact steps I took for get the result.